Former President Jimmy Carter:

You were the very first USA President that responded to the letter I wrote to you. I appreciate you for that.

Furthermore, it your honesty, being a strong PROFESSIONAL ACTIVE HUMANITARIAN, and others like you, other former USA Presidents, Retired Generals, Senators, House of Representatives, alive and yet Professional Humanitarians joined in to strengthen the Democratic Foundation for JOE BIDEN, USA PRESIDENT 2020-2024 and his chosen USA VICE PRESIDENT, KAMALA HARRIS, the many women, especially Women of Color, who have demonstrated humanitarian services all of our lives, past, present, future, women of other races and languages across this wide world, who by GOD’S PERFECT WILL,  along with the men who love us, life and God, reestablish OUR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY not past actions of negativity, but forwarding actions to end OPPRESSION, in its many forms of adultism, sexism, racism, polytheism, and all other equal forms of OPPRESSION against HUMANITY. TOGETHER, JIMMY CARTER, former USA PRESIDENT, in UNITY, with the winning of USA PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN and USA VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS, and all other named and not named above, from outside the pattern of OPPRESSION will have GREAT, almost unlimited effectiveness in challenging the dictators and the dictatorship that seek to tear down the revolving doors of American Democracy inviting all humanity, individuals, to enter and rest while preparing for the next challenge moving forward to unknown places in life that human beings enter every day.

  Again, I thank God and my appreciation to you, Former President Carter, USA, for the Humanitarian Services you and your family have given and continue to give in maintaining and keeping our Democracy growing stronger, creating a powerful structure for our next USA PRESIDENT, JOE BIDEN and USA VICE PRESIDENT, KAMALA HARRIS, A POWERFUL BLACK AMERICAN WOMAN who brings with her a POWERFUL BLACK and BROWN, RED, YELLOW HUMAN BEINGS OF COLOR , registered AMERICAN VOTERS. Some human beings of power that have never voted before. This 2020-2024 Election will bring out votes from American lands, that we never knew existed.

My friend and collegiate ask, from the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, what are Journalists to do when the Corona- Virus Pandemic Vaccine arrives? As a retired Black American Woman Journalist for over 52 years, suggests that we maintain encouragement of all America to vote the Democratic Ticket to keep alive our AMERICA DEMOCRACY. Only then, are Human Beings able to move speedily ahead of the “reprobate minds” that are in spaces over this God-Given Earth, trying to demolish what GOD, OUR CREATOR, established as a home for life of the Human Beings and their needs for continuing life.

Respectfully Submitted

Gloria J Hunt Keith


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jimmy Carter
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:15 AM
Subject: Our next president

My Congratulations on your Speech


Jimmy Carter

Gloria —

It was my honor to speak last night at the Democratic National Convention and tell the American people why I’m proud to support Joe Biden to be the next President of the United States.

I don’t need to tell you that the current administration has failed. You’ve seen how poorly Donald Trump has handled the COVID-19 public health crisis, how he has squandered our economy, and how he stokes racial division. I know what it takes to be President, and Donald Trump has proven he isn’t up to the job.

I also know that Joe Biden has the experience we need to rebuild our country and bring America’s leadership back to the world stage. He’s seen firsthand the challenges of the presidency, and he’ll be ready to lead on day one.

Rosalynn and I are proud to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and I hope you are, too. Gloria, if you can, will you split a $10 donation right now between Joe’s campaign and the DNC to power their campaign and Democrats nationwide to victory in November?

Gloria, it would be a disaster to have four more years of Donald Trump. We can’t afford four more years of him corrupting our government.

Instead, we need a president who will get back to fighting for the middle class, lead on climate change, and recognize American diplomacy as our strength.

That’s why I’m doing my part to make sure Joe Biden is elected as our next president, and I am asking you to do the same.

Jimmy Carter
39th President of the United States

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